New MBS Feature – Printer Friendly Version

You spoke and we listened! We had several requests for a printer friendly version of our Moda Recipes. You will now notice at the bottom of all our tutorials, there is a new feature!

Simply click on this image at the end of each tutorial to open a new window with an Adobe PDF of the tutorial you selected.

Please note: You must have Adobe Reader in order to open these files. If you have an older version of Adobe Reader, you may need to upgrade.

We strive to provide you with the tools you need to make your Moda experience enjoyable.

If you have a comment or suggestion about our Moda Bake Shop, please let us know. We are always open to hearing your ideas and suggestions.


This entry was posted in Oda May.

34 comments on “New MBS Feature – Printer Friendly Version

  1. KaHolly says:

    Perfect!! Thank you so much.

  2. Jackie says:

    Excellent! Thanks so much!

  3. anne says:

    That is great. much easier to print.thanks

  4. Stacey says:

    awesome!! thanks!!

  5. Judy says:

    Thank You!!!!

  6. Potpourri says:

    Thank you very much. This feature saves on ink and paper and allows more $$ for fabrics.

  7. Nancy says:

    WONDERFUL!!! Makes a good thing even better….

  8. Cindy says:

    Thank you “sew” much. Just what the seamstress/quilter ordered…LOL

  9. 52knit4 says:

    Much better….thanks so much….

  10. pdudgeon says:

    YEAAAAAAA! and right on time, too.i thought all last night about the new cute table runner. i even got up very early this morning and and rummaged thru my strips, finding all the right fabrics to make this. but the icing on the cupcake is when i came on here and found out about the new PDF files.thanks so much for making this easy for us.

  11. nadelmaus says:

    Thank you so much, that makes it pretty easier!

  12. Carol says:

    Thanks, that’s very helpful.

  13. What a great surprise! Thank you!

  14. Cindy says:

    THANK YOU!! I love being able to print out a tutorial to have it handy by my sewing machine!

  15. greetingarts says:

    Fantastic. This is great, now I can download it and save it without having to waste paper. Thank you so much.

  16. happy zombie says:

    That’s awesome! That must have been a ton of work to make all those PDF’s. Why Oda May… I do think you should be Employee of the Month!

  17. foofanagle says:

    This is fabulous news. Thank you!!!

  18. Carrie P. says:

    Thanks so much. Fantastic!!

  19. Kelli says:

    That’s just what this almost perfect blog needed!

  20. You all ROCK!!!I love this as it makes printing so much easier and nicer.

  21. sewfine says:

    Wow! Thank you sew much!! So much better than copy & paste!

  22. Shawn says:

    Thank you, I Love the Moda Bake Shop!

  23. jeriray says:

    Awesome!! Thank you for doing this!

  24. Millie says:

    Excellent news. Thank you so much!~Millie~

  25. Kathy Bo says:

    Do you have a newsletter that we can subscribe to? The only option I saw was to follow the blog…sure would enjoy receiving a newsletter! I love your blog!

  26. qwendi says:


  27. eamylove says:

    Yes! How convenient!

  28. quilyn says:

    Thanks for the PDF version! I love the ModaBakeShop! I am hooked on precuts! Thanks for the wonderful ideas you share. I made one of the table runner ideas and loved it so much I’m making another for a gift. I even designed placemats to match. One of the other comments mentioned an idea for a newsletter, I’d love to have a newsletter from your site, so if it develops that far, I’m in! Thanks again.

  29. Manuela says:

    Hi there!!!!I am from Portugal, and I love so much the kind of cotton fabrics you have… Where could I buy the American Jane Patterns on-line or similar fabrics? Please help me find some…ThanksManuela

  30. I absolutely love this feature but,,,,why is it that the last couple on here don't have this option, is it broken?

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