Charming Twin Pincushions

Charm Pack — (7) 5-inch charms

Upholstery Thread
YLI silk thread
Scrap of thin batting at least 5 inches X 10 inches
poly stuffing or walnut shells
Clover yo-yo maker (optional)

Choose 4 charms for the half square triangles and trim to 3 inches square.

Take background fabric and cut 3 inch squares and layer Right sides together. Draw a line in the center of the background fabric and sew 1/4 inch on each side as shown. Repeat for 3 other squares.

Cut the squares in half on the solid line and press your half square triangles

Once pressing is complete, arrange them in a ‘4-patch’….There are several possible layouts, such the PINWHEEL….

Square on a Square…..

And others……

I chose 2 layouts as shown and sewed the half square triangles together. Layered the blocks with a thin batting scrap and stitched in the ditch or 1/4 around the patch pieces. **NOTE** I didn’t use backing fabric.

Trim the blocks to size 4 3/4 inches.

Using your favorite method, layer the pieced/quilted block right sides together with another charm cut to 4 3/4 inches. Sew the perimeter and leave an opening for stuffing. Stuff cushion and whip stitch with silk thread to hide the seam.

Embellish with coordinating buttons and yo-yo’s.

Coordinating buttons and yo-yo’s *Note* at least 2 small yo-yo’s can be made from a single charm.

2 Pincushions..keep one for yourself and give the other away. If you are using an entire charm pack…you could make at least 8-10 pincushions.

12 comments on “Charming Twin Pincushions

  1. Jackie says:

    Vickie, Fantastic pincushion!

  2. karen says:

    Quite precious.

  3. Nifty Nique says:

    So simple and cute! Thank you!

  4. PunkiePie says:

    Awesome! Making this. Need to get walnut shells…

  5. amandajean says:

    those are cute pincushions! i love that fabric. 🙂

  6. happy zombie says:

    The Pincushion Queen strikes again! Another super cute pincushion, Vickie!

  7. Mina says:

    This is a great idea and what a wonderful project and colorful fabrics!!!

  8. RuRebo says:

    Wonderful idea! Im going to make some as a small gift for friends

  9. alda says:

    I love the MBS!! So many delicious things here. I’m working on some quilts made just only from 1 jelly roll.I think it would be a great big project for everyone.

  10. Jeni says:

    i just love the quilt …i am thinking…. about making one for my little grand daughter

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