Q&A with Oda May: Fat Quarter Folding

Click through for two folding methods from Oda May.

Dear Oda May,

This might sound like a silly question but I’ve recently started organizing my fabric stash and I wondered…how do other people fold their fat quarters? I can’t seem to get them to look tidy and pretty the way I see so many on Pinterest.

Floundering in Fat Quarters

Dear Floundering,

There is never a silly question when it comes to fabric!  Fat quarter folding is one of my favorite ways to relax so I can definitely help you out with a few different ways to fold them.

First….the Moda way! This is how the fat quarters are folded in our beautiful bundles. No raw edges show with this folding method.

Second…a slightly smaller fold.

Here are the two stacked up so you can see the size comparison.

Hope this helps you keep things tidy! Readers, do you have any favorite folding methods?

Q&A with Oda May: Basting

 {fabric in background is from Scrumptious by Bonnie and Camille}

Love to piece and quilt but hate to baste? You’re not alone. Join Oda May today as she answers a reader question about basting in small spaces.

Dear Oda May,

Greetings from Spain! I started quilting about four years ago and am still a bit green. Is there an easy way to put together all three layers – and get them all wrinkle free – before I start my hand quilting? I don’t have much space and usually put the layers together on the floor on my living room, which is a real pain in more ways than one.

Crawling on Pins and Needles,
Dear Consuelo!

I feel your pain (literally). Basting is my least favorite part of the process so I have some tips for you to make it less painful.

Clamps. Instead of suffering on your hands and knees on the floor, why not baste your quilt in small sections on a table top or counter? You can use strong clamps (found in any hardware store) to hold the three layers nice and tight. Use basting pins or a needle and thread with this method.

Fusible Batting. This may not be an option for hand-quilted projects but fusible batting also allows you to baste in small sections. All you need is space to iron.

Long-arm Basting. Most long-arm quilters offer basting services for both hand quilters and those who like to do their own quilting at home. Check with some long-arm quilters in your area for pricing and availability.

Baste in Peace,

Q&A with Oda May: Going Green

 Oda May is back today to answer a reader question about Printer Friendly Files.

Dear Oda May,
I am so inspired by the Moda Bake Shop! There are many, many projects I want to make. I print out the Printer Friendly file from each recipe that I want to make so I can have it on hand. The only problem is that they’re really starting to pile up! Plus I’m running out of printer ink every few weeks. Any tips on organizing my printed recipes or keeping track of what I want to make without printing so much? I think I have all of 2013 printed out!

Drowning in Recipes in Denver
Dear Drowning,
I know the feeling! I also have a hard time keeping track of MBS recipes and other patterns. There are too many wonderful things I’ve got on that ol’ mental “make some day” list. But I do have some tips to help you stay organized and get out from under that pile of papers.

1.Start a Pin Board. You can go virtual by using Pinterest to organize and save all of those projects you want to make. Be sure to follow the Moda Bake Shop board.

Do you prefer an old school pin board over a virtual one? Instead of printing out the entire recipe, just print the first page and pin it to your board. Then when you’re ready to make it, you can easily find the recipe using the recipe title and Chef’s name from the page you printed.

2. Go Digital. So many designers offer digital versions of their patterns these days and for good reason! It’s easier to keep track of digital files. Download them to your computer or mobile device (smartphone or tablet). You can also download our Printer Friendly Files to your Kindle or other e-reader.

3. Print Sparingly. If you have to have a paper copy to work from when you’re sewing, print it out just before you start instead of printing all of the projects you want to make.

Any reader tips on keeping up with all of those Moda Bake Shop projects you want to make?
Happy Sewing,