Neptune Necklace

1 charm pack – featured Neptune by Tula Pink for Moda
13 – 20 mm wood beads
glue stick
48″- 3/8″ grosgrain ribbon
heavy duty needle with large eye

Pick out 13 prints (small patterns work best).
Cut into quarters.

Apply a generous amount of glue to the back of fabric.

Roll bead in the middle of fabric.
Cover entire bead with fabric.

Clip off excess fabric from each end.
Leave enough fabric to be tucked into hole of bead.

Smooth fabric up the bead and tuck into hole of bead.
Use an awl (I used the end of a paint brush) to push fabric into hole and hollow out hole.

Thread grosgrain ribbon on to heavy duty needle.
Tie a double knot 12″ from the end of ribbon.
Thread bead onto ribbon.
Next make a knot.
Thread another bead on.
Repeat steps until all beads have been threaded onto ribbon.
Tie a double knot after the last bead.

Your finished!

4 necklaces or 1 super long necklace.
