Retro Table Topper (Unlined)

22 light/medium Layer Cake squares (10″ x 10″)
7 dark Layer Cake squares

10 or more 10″ lengths of rickrack in a variety of widths; 5 3/8 yards of jumbo rickrack for outer edge

For my sample, I used pinking shears to finish all the seams. If you own a serger, this would be a great serger project. Seams are 1/4″. Press between steps.

From the 7 dark squares cut a total of 40 strips that measure 1 1/2″ x 10″. Cut 4 of the light/medium squares to measure 5 1/4″ x 10″. You may want to lay out all the squares on your design wall to determine which 4 to cut.

On your design wall or work table, lay out all the squares and strips as shown, with the  5 1/4″ pieces at the top and bottom of Columns 2 and 4. The 1 1/2″ strips are placed at the upper and lower edge of each square and at only one edge of the 5 1/4″ pieces, as shown in the photo.

Sew the squares and strips together to create the 5 columns. Pink the edges of the seam allowances and press. Don’t sew the columns together yet.

If you’ve opted for adding rickrack, topstitch 10″ pieces to the top of the seams where the 1 1/2″ strips join. I didn’t sew rickrack between EVERY pair of strips, but it would be cute that way. I was using whatever scraps I had that matched!

After adding the rickrack, sew the 5 columns together. After sewing, pink the seams and press.

Fold under 1/4″ around the outer edge of the Table Topper and press. Topstitch a scant 1/8″ from the pressed edge. The raw edge will be hidden by the jumbo rickrack.

Beginning several inches from one corner of the Table Topper, lay the jumbo rickrack UNDER the stitched edge of the Topper, leaving a 2″ tail where you begin sewing. Topstitch through all layers 1/8″ from the first stitching.

At the corners, fold the rickrack diagonally to make it “turn” the corner. When you’re a few inches from where you began adding rickrack, take the Topper out of the machine (clipping threads), and determine where you need to make a seam in the rickrack so that it fits the remaining un-sewn edge. After sewing this seam, trim away the extra rickrack and press the seam open. I applied Fray Block® to the rickrack seam. Finish topstitching the rickrack to the Table Topper edge.

This pattern is a variation of a crib quilt in my new pattern “Baby Days”, available at quilt shops or from

Rather than hemming the Table Topper as explained above, cut a backing piece a little larger than your Topper–this may require sewing 2 pieces of fabric together. Place it right sides together with the Topper and sew around the edge (Table Topper edge as a guide), leaving a 6-8″ gap for turning. Trim the backing to match the top, clip the corners on the diagonal, and turn the Topper right side out. Press. Add rickrack around the edge as directed above.

46″ x 47 1/2″

Happy sewing!

Kara Schorstein