Nancy’s Mysterious Quilt

I don’t think I ever outgrew the Nancy Drew books. There’s something about spooky old attics and moss covered mansions and secret passages that I can’t resist. Sadly, I grew up in a brand new house with absolutely nothing mysterious about it.  When my husband and I bought our 1920 farmhouse, I was absolutely giddy to have a real attic with stairs. This place has all kinds of secrets!

Come visit me at my blog,  Michelle’s Romantic Tangle. I’ve got some projects inspired by the Nancy Drew books and I’m having a giveaway for four of the Nancy Drew books shown on the quilt. I’ll even tell you where we found a moss covered mansion to photograph the quilt in front of!

1 Layer Cake Get a Clue with Nancy Drew
4 1/2 yards white Bella Solid for background
1 panel Nancy Drew Book Covers
3/4 yard binding fabric
6 yards backing fabric

From the white background fabric, cut the following:

82 6 1/2″ blocks

63 10 x 2 1/2″ strips

Remove the mostly white prints from the layer cake and save for another project. They won’t contrast with the background and will detract from the effect of the Irish Chain blocks.

Cut 27 pieces of your layer cake into four 10 x 2 1/2″ strips.

To make the nine patch blocks, sew the 2 1/2 x 10″ strips into sets of three. Make 21 sets with print center strips and 42 sets with background center strips. Press.

Cut each  into four strips.

Assemble into nine patch blocks. Since the print squares are so small, I let the directional prints fall every which way.

Assemble your quilt top as shown in the final picture — in fifteen rows of eleven blocks with nine patch blocks at each corner. To cut down on the bulk you’ll have to deal with while appliqueing the book covers, I suggest leaving off the top two and bottom two rows until the books are in place.

Applique the six book covers from the panel onto the quilt using your preferred method of applique.

Attach the top two and bottom two rows.

Quilt, bind, and snuggle up!

one 66 x 90″ quilt

Michelle Marr