Welcome Home Banner

This is a show-and-tell on how to make a “Welcome Home” banner.

11 light 10″ squares (we used a Flag Day Farm Layer Cake)
11 dark 10″ squares
45 degree ruler (we used the Kaliedo-Ruler)
4 yards of 2 1/4″ binding or 8 yards of twill tape (we used Prairie Paisley twill tape)
12″ square of Wonder-Under or another fusible web
1 yard of lightweight fusible interfacing

First cut your pennants. Cut 11 dark and light pennants using the 45 degree ruler
Using the full 10″ height of the layer cake – cut out your pennants.

Using the ruler again, cut out 11 pennants out of the lightweight fusible interfacing and iron this onto the backside of the 11 dark pennants.

Next, using the letter templates, trace the letters onto the Wonder-Under. Take care to trace the letter “L” backwards.
Cut out the letters, leaving space around the lines, and fuse onto the back side of the dark fabric scraps (from cutting the pennants).

Arrange your letters on the pennants and fuse into place. We centered the letters and spaced them 2″ from the top of the pennant.

Stitch the letters into place. Leigh Ann used a machine buttonhole stitch.Next, sew the pennants together – fronts to the dark backs. Leigh Ann says to make one stitch at the tip of the pennant – parallel to the top and bottom.

Trim the pennant points as shown.

Turn the pennants inside out and press.

Making the banner: You can either use binding strips or 2 layers of twill tape. We used two 4 yard pieces of Prairie Paisley twill tape.
Start pinning the pennants onto one 4 yard piece of the tape, leaving 2 feet of tape on each end. Leave an empty space between the two words. Layer the second piece of twill tape on top and pin in place.

Top stitch around the edge of the twill tape, encasing the pennants inside.

You can use binding, as shown. Iron down the center, then iron in the edges 1/4″. Use the center pressed line to line-up the pennants.

Hang your banner for a Welcome Home party for soldiers, college students, and newborns!

Laurie Simpson & Leigh Ann Prange