Petits Fours

Petit four (plural: petits fours):  a tiny, bite-sized cake with delicate layers of moist cake filled with smooth butter cream and jam fillings. Each cake measures approximately 1.5 ” x 1″. The miniature cake is often dipped in fondant and decorated with piped icing flowers. The name is from the French petit four, meaning “small oven”.

1 Charm Pack (40 – 5″ squares) I used Wildflower Serenade 2 by Kansas Troubles
1/8th yard for inner border
1/8th yard for binding
Backing and batting at least 15″ x 47″

All seams are 1/4″.

Select 27 (I used the top 27 from Wildflower Serenade) of the 5″ squares and cut each into 3-1.5″ strips. This will give you 81 strips that are 1.5 x 5″. You need 80. Have a nice sharp blade and you can stack and cut several charms at once.

Reserve the remaining 13 charms for the outside border.
Sew into 40 pairs of 2.

Sew 2 pairs together. Repeat until you have 20 sets of 4 strips.

Press all seams one direction.

Trim length to 4.5″. I stacked 4 blocks; trimmed 1/4″ off one end…

then trimmed the other end to equal 4.5″.

Sew two 4-strip units together as shown below. Repeat to make 10 units.

Press as shown below.

Sew these units together…

to make 5 blocks like this.
Cut the inner border fabric into 3-1″ strips. Attach the inner border to the long sides of the runner first, then to the short ends.
Take the last 13 charms and cut at 2″. You will get 2 pieces that are 2″ x 5″ per charm.

Sew 2 sets of 3 together and 2 sets of 10 together. .

Attach to long sides of the runner first, matching center seam of runner with center seam of border. Trim off the extra

Put a pin in the center of the 3-charm strips and match to the middle seams on the short ends of the runner. Stitch. Trim off the extra.

Quilt, bind and make another one.

I think it’s sew fun getting a tablerunner from 1 charm pack!!

One tablerunner 12″ x 43.5″

Happy Quilting from Angela Davy at All Washed Up

51 comments on “Petits Fours

  1. dianedavy8 says:

    Nice job, Angie. The photos and directions are great. I’ll make more than one!

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