Missy’s Fall Garden Quilt

Louisiana has suffered a long, hot, humid summer. Anything reminding us of cooler fall weather was needed, so here came the idea of creating a Fall Quilt Garden from the Moda designs of Sandy Gervais, called “Awesome”. This quilt uses every one of the 42 swatches from the Layer Cake and provides a variety of fall flowers scattered in field of soft white.

Hi, my name is Jamie with L’ Fair Quilts, and I hail from the most southern part of Louisiana — further south than New Orleans! I am a baby boomer closing in on retirement age (although no plans to leave a 36 year career in finance — yet) and very excited to expand my quilting hobby. I have been watching the internet quilt world from afar and decided it was time to jump in head first. I started a blog this past January, and created a “hobby” pattern/quilt line under the name L’Fair Quilts (a play on my last name).
I hope you enjoy my first Moda Bake Shop submission and look forward to coming back again every so often to share my love of quilting.

  • 1 Layer Cake, “Awesome” by Sandy Gervais (contains 42 – 10″ x 10″ swatches)
  • 2 1/4 yards solid background, Moda Bella Snow (#9900-11)
  • 1 1/4 yards orange solid by Sandy Gervais for inner border and binding
  • 1 3/4 yards large print by Sandy Gervais for outside border (#17541)
  • 4 1/2 yards backing


From Layer Cake:

  • Cut each 10″ x 10″ fabric swatch into four 5″ x 5″ squares, yielding 42 sets of flower petals.

From Background Fabric:

  • Cut 9 – 2″ strips, subcut to 168 – 2″ squares
  • Draw a diagonal line on each of the 2″ squares
  • Cut 15 – 3 1/2″ strips, subcut to 168 – 3 1/2″ squares
  • Draw a diagonal line on each of the 3 1/2 squares, and another line 1/2″ apart (for snacks later in another project).

From Orange Solid:

  • Cut 14 – 2 1/2″ strips for inner border and binding, pieced diagonally to make inner border and binding:
  • Subcut to 2 – 2 1/2″ x 63 1/2″ for sides
  • Subcut to 2 – 2 1/2″ x 58 1/2″ for top and bottom
  • Use remaining for binding

From Large Print:

  • Cut 8 – 6 1/2″ strips, pieced diagonnally to make outside borders
  • Subcut to 2 – 6 1/2″ x 67 1/2″ for sides
  • Subcut to 2 – 6 1/2″ x 70 1/2″ for top and bottom

Sew a 2″ background square to the top right hand corner of each 5″ square.

Trim each corner as pictured below and press open the background square.

Sew a 3 1/2″ background square to the top left hand corner of each 5″ square, then run a second stitch along the other drawn line.

Cut between the lines, press open (and don’t forget to save those trimmed leftovers for snacks in future projects). If you have a chance to visit my blog later on, you may even find the quilt top I made with my leftovers!

Assemble each of the 42 flowers, sewing the top two petals, then the bottom two — helpful hint: don’t cut the thread between the top and bottom. When you sew the top and bottom together, the thread keeps the intersection in tact for a perfect matching of seams.

Open the center intersection (clip the little thread first) and press counter-clockwise.


  • For the top, layout is 6 flower blocks across and 7 rows down.
  • Add side inner borders, then add top and bottom inner borders.
  • Add side outside borders, then add top and bottom inner borders.
  • Layer top, batting, and backing …. quilt as desired!

A finished quilt measuring 70″ x 79″, with each finished flower measuring 9″.

Jamie in Louisiana

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