We Remember…

Hello to all,
We wanted to show you something red, white and blue that is very special to us. In 2001 we made over 60 flag baby quilts. These quilts were sent to People magazine when we heard they were doing a story about all the children that were born without a father due to 9 11 attacks.
Each quilt had a Texas Bluebonnet backing and a handmade, calligraphy quilt label that read,
“You and your family have touched our lives. May this quilt wrap you with the warmth from our hearts.”

If you are interested in sewing for a worthwhile cause, check out Quilts of Valor Foundation. http://www.qovf.org/

Sew something red, white and blue today and snuggle with those you love.


This entry was posted in Quilt.

23 comments on “We Remember…

  1. Rachel says:

    What a touching blog entry. My husband served as an Infantry Officer in the Army and spent 15 months in Iraq. I have bookmarked the Quilts of Valor website and will definitely participate in this program in the future.

  2. Conni says:

    Beautiful! We remember, too!

  3. kd4h says:

    I am glad to see this today. I dressed myself and 2 little ones in red, white and blue today and we seemed to be the only ones at school this morning who remembered. I certainly hope not. Thank you for this entry and for remembering with me!

  4. smilla says:

    Hello, I live in Switzerland with my husband and our four kids and I just wanted to let you know that all of us as well as our friends and relatives do remember and will never forget. Take care. Tina

  5. Kelly O. says:

    what a wonderful post.

  6. Natalia says:

    That is so neat! Your quilts are darling too! Very inspiring!

  7. It feels likt it was just yesterday. I still feel it that strong today. I remember feeling like I needed to do something, but I didn't know what or how.
    Thanks for the inspiring post.

  8. Cheryl says:

    What a wonderful post and a wonderful organization. That last picture gave me goosebumps seeing all those quilts stacked like that.

  9. Sonja says:

    What a beautiful gesture!!!

  10. Stacey says:

    Do you still have the pattern for this? Or can you tell me where I can find it, I have been looking for one for awhile now.

    Great cause btw…

  11. this is awesome!!!
    and SO heart touching.

  12. greetingarts says:

    Yes, we will forever remember. My girls and I are dressed in red, white and blue from head to toe today. Your quilts and the message on the back brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for all you did that day, and continue to do!

  13. Kendra says:

    Wow! I am at a loss of words… How amazing!

  14. WoolenSails says:

    What a wonderful quilt and cause.
    Will go check out the link you have.


  15. Thank you for the wonderful post. I remember the People story on the babies. I love the quilts that you made. It really warms my heart.

  16. Busty LaRue says:

    What a wonderful project and beautiful quilts.

  17. Elsa says:

    With my friends on facebook, we all posted where we were and how 9-11 impacted us. Glad to know that so many others are out there remembering our fallen brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, children … thank you for remembering with us all.

  18. altar ego says:

    Love the stars and stripes quilt and would be grateful to be directed to a pattern! My son is in the National Guard following a five-year stint as an Army Ranger. I would love to do this for him.

    Thanks for the timely post of remembrance.

  19. Kama says:

    That is awesome. I love it.

  20. Candis says:

    Fabulous! Thank you…

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