Simple Little Runner

*1 Moda Charm Pack of your choice (40 5″x5″ squares)
*1/2 yd fabric (binding/strip)
*2/3 yd fabric (backing)
*Cotton batting 26″x 43″

*1.5 yds ric rac

1. Lay 40 charm squares out in 8 rows of 5 as shown below:
2. Pin and sew two charm squares together as shown below, right sides together, with a 1/4″ seam.

3. Continue sewing squares together to make up a single row of 5. Repeat with each of the 8 rows.

4. Press each row, alternating seam direction. (Press seams on row one to the right, row two to the left, etc)

5. From 1/2 yd, cut five 2-1/2″ x 42″ strips. Trim ends. Set aside two strips.

6. Measure top row of squares and bottom row of squares. Cut the two strips from last step the same length as the rows. Pin and sew one strip to the bottom row, right sides together.

7. Press, then continue to sew the rows in order, pinning and pressing between each row until your quilt top is finished.

7. Cut one piece of backing 25″ x 42″. Press well. Using masking tape, tape it to a hard surface like a floor or table, smoothing out any wrinkles..

8. Make a “quilt sandwich” by placing batting on top of backing, and then the quilt top on top of the batting. Smooth out fabric and pin the corner of each square, making sure each safety pin goes through all three layers of the quilt. (My little helpers always “help” with this part.)

9. Stipple quilt, or sew straight lines along the seams. For more detailed stippling instructions, visit my stippling tutorial here.

10. Once you are finished quilting your runner, trim the edges. Make sure your corners are square. Cut two 24″ pieces of ric rac. Sew a straight stitch along seam as shown below.

11. Sew the remaining 2-1/2″ strips (cut in step 5) together, end to end lengthwise. Bind quilt. For more detailed binding instructions, visit my binding tutorial here.

One simple little 23″ x 40″ runner. Not to mention, a very proud you. 😉 Hooray!

That’s it! Now go ahead, make one for everyone you know!

18 comments on “Simple Little Runner

  1. Angela says:

    Very, very cute Camille! I am definitely going to make one of these.

  2. How super cute is this!!!!

  3. Vickie E says:

    This is awesome Camille thanks!

  4. happy zombie says:

    Just too cute, Camille! Your photos are so beautiful too… I want to jump right through my monitor and into your photos!

  5. oh geesh! Another project to make. But oh so cute. ;o)

  6. LeAnne says:

    Ohhh! So great thanks Camille!

  7. VERY cute!!!can’t wait to make this!!!

  8. Ravenhill says:

    what a beauty and so fun with the rickrack!~Emily

  9. Cindy says:

    Very nice! I love this.

  10. Sherri says:

    It was so cute…I had to make one! I posted a picture just the other day on my post “More Blog Inspiration!” Thanks so much for such a fun little idea!

  11. Ginny says:

    I love this! I whipped the top up during my boys nap with a Moda charm pack! I love it! Thanks!

  12. I love that so much and plan on making one , a quick question, how wide is the rick rack you used? thanks!

  13. Erin says:

    This is so fantastic and easy to make. I made one for my mum over the weekend and she loved it!!!

  14. Shelli says:

    That is so simple, but so darling! I love it!

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