Fabric Lamp Shade

1 patisserie honey bun
lamp shade
big sheets of paper
quilt basting spray
perle cotton thread size 8 in ecru

decorative trims, rick rack &/or buttons

remove lamp shade from lamp stand.
tape a few big pieces of paper together.
{i used three 18×34 pieces of drawing paper and taped them together.}
you’ll want to make sure that you have a nice, big work area of paper.
place the lamp shade on it’s side, lining up the seam with the paper.

trace the bottom & top edge of the shade with your pencil,

slowly rolling the shade as you go, until you get back at the seam.
{as shown by my hubby.}
hint: this part is MUCH easier with 2 people.
your paper will look something like this.
{click the pic to enlarge.}
extend the lines by an inch, as shown.

draw a straight line between the outside lines.

cut out the pattern you’ve drawn.

just for good measure, fit your pattern around your lamp.
yours will overlap like mine, it’s supposed to.

pick out you fav honey bun strips.
i used 16.

cut those honey bun strips in half.

it’s audition time!!!
lay your strips out in a manor that’s pleasing to you.

fold your pattern in half.

take the middle strip from your layout audition,
spray a thin layer of quilt basting spray on it.

place that strip directly on the fold line of your pattern.
this will make a paper foundation for your strips.

lay your first strip right side down onto your foundation strip.

turn your stitch length down to about 1.5
{just trust me!!!}
and sew your first strip on.
after each strip, press with a dry iron.
it makes a difference to press after each strip, so don’t skip it.
keep adding strips until you cover the right side of the pattern.
now flip your pattern over.
go again until you cover this side of the pattern.
your covered pattern should look something like this.

trim off the stragglers using the pattern as your guide.

now here’s the fun part.
remember how i told yall to shorten your stitch length???
that was so the needle would perforate the paper for you.
just tear off the paper gently, like you would a check out of your checkbook.
you’ll be doing this in sections.

this is what the pattern will look it.
cute huh???
now this is important: spray this block with a lightweight starch.
{i prefer to use magic sizing.}
you wanna do this so that your seams lay flat.
{hint: make sure to change your needle before going back to fabric.
i use a completely separate needle for paper foundations.}
spray your lamp shade seam with your quilt basting spray.

start by placing the short side of the fabric on the lamp shade’s seam.
secure it with pins.
spray the inside of fabric generously with quilt basting spray.
slowly roll the fabric over the lamp shade, a little bit at a time, smoothing the fabric out towards the edges as you go.
i have found that it helps to pin as you go.
{just to make sure that it holds in place until your fabric dries.}
allow the end of your fabric to overlap the beginning seam at least 1/4″ in case the fabric shrinks as it dries.
feel free to spray it with extra quilt basting spray.
i wanted to secure my fabric in a cutesy way, like so.
all you have to do is thread a needle with your perle cotton thread {doubled} and stitch around the top, bottom & seam of your fabric.
when you are done with your cutesy stitching, trim the underneath fabric to about 1/4″ or so.
it doesn’t have to be exact, no one it going to see it.

when the adhesive has dried, return you lamp shade to the base, and let your light shine.

one SUPER awesome new lamp shade!!!

so the next time you pass up that ugly lamp at the flea market…envision it in your fav fabrics!!!
{mine coordinates with the quilt on our bed, and i am completely in LOVE with it.}
rachel of p.s. i quilt

49 comments on “Fabric Lamp Shade

  1. Sarah says:

    I LOVE it….adorable!! I just ordered a honey bun…now I just need to find a lamp! 🙂

  2. Stacey says:

    you rock!! that will look nice in our new house we are planning to build later this year!!

  3. This is the best tutorial…so cute. Thanks a bunch for all your work in this!

  4. love it love it love it!! I’m going to make one this weekend. I found a nifty vintage lamp with a big red geranium on it at an Estate Sale yesterday with NO SHADE! I’m going to buy a cheap-0 shade and cover it with a sweet honey bun! THANK YOU so much for sharing this one!!

  5. Fanny says:

    Very cute! Your instructions are great. Very clear and easy to follow.

  6. PunkiePie says:

    so so cute! I will have to make myself a couple of these. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Melody says:

    Great tutorial! Way to go Rachel!

  8. Robin says:

    wow…you’re amazing! I am off to find a great honey bun that matches my couch! thanks so much! You rock!

  9. Pat says:

    Wow…Rachel is super-creative and knows how to do a very detailed and EXCELLENT tutorial!!! Keep her “on the payroll”, I say!!! LOL

  10. Jo Jo says:

    Fantastic Rachel you super talented chick you! Jo xox

  11. Terriaw says:

    Cute idea. And it looks so easy. I have a stack of honey buns that I haven’t used yet, so I might just try this one of these day.

  12. Kim says:

    That is a very creative use of fabric! I LOVE it and have a lampshade that’s needed to be covered. I even have some honey bun strips leftover from my recent project. Yippee!

    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Sarah Pead says:

    This is incredible! And I have an old lampshade that I was going to sell in a garage sale…but I now I think I’ll be removing it from the junk pile and making it into a new treasue. 🙂

  14. V and Co. says:

    FANTABULOUS! r to the a to the c to the h to the e the l!!!

  15. Way cute! I have a shadeless lamp. This is perfect! ;o) ooxx`jodi

  16. Erin says:

    What a great idea! 🙂 I was just thinking the other day that I wanted to somehow transform the babyish shade from my sons nursery to a more big-boy shade – but I had no idea how to!

  17. Needled Mom says:

    Very nice. I have never much cared for fabric shades, but this one is really nice.

  18. Great project Rachel !! and perfect timing since I have a lamp in my foyer with a lampshade that’s a total EYE SORE !!!!

  19. RosaMaría says:

    i love it!!!! es un tutorial hermoso y lo quiero intentar!!!! gracias!

  20. Dawn says:

    Awesome tutorial!! Thrift store…here I come!!

  21. Gudi says:

    It’s so great, thank you so much for this tutorial 🙂 Now, every month I have a new lamp.

    *Gudi from Germany*

  22. Tina says:

    Love how this looks! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  23. Sara says:

    I love, love, love this! Now, why didn’t I think of that?

  24. Perfect instructions Rachel! It will be fun to try.

  25. Amanda says:

    It’s adorable! Thanks for the great tutorial!

  26. dotti white says:

    I love it! I have covered shades with fabric but I LOVE the pieced shade! Thank you!

  27. Vickie E says:

    that is a great idea!!!

  28. jen duncan says:

    very cute Rachel!

  29. TexasRed says:

    This is fantastic! Definitely want to try it out!

  30. Shawn says:

    Great idea, so pretty!

  31. Hi Rachel, You did great with this tutorial. I can just the light going on in everyone’s head. Cute, Cute.
    Keep Stitchen’

  32. artycrafty says:

    wonderful idea. You could finish off the lamp shade by putting ribbon on top of your stitching. Will look a little more complete.

  33. Ingrid says:

    Hola! Te escribo desde Venezuela. Estoy maravillada con todas tus publicaciones. Te felicito y te agradezco por ser tan generosa. Todo está bellísimo. Me llevé el enlace para mi blog. Besos.

    (I love your blog. It’s beautiful. Kisses)

  34. Jeni says:

    What a great idea to spruce up a lamp! Thank you for sharing.

  35. Great idea for a lamp shade, love the colors, its so delicate


  36. Sachiko says:

    SUPER creative!! I love this idea!
    Thank you for this tutorial!

  37. amandajean says:

    amazing!!! i love it! great tutorial, rachel!

  38. yall's comments make my ♥ happy.

  39. This is the best tutorial…so sweet. Thanks a million for all your work in this!

  40. saniye says:

    I love it very beatiufull

  41. Well arent you the clever one. Love it!!! I could use a couple of those in the new home.

  42. Lindissimo!!!!!!!
    Maria Filomena

  43. LoreLove says:

    Hermoso!! pronto parece que voy a mudarme… tendre en cuanta este tutorial para adornar!!!

  44. Auntie Henno says:

    The lamp shade you start with is different than the last one. Did I miss something. Thanks for great tut.

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