Mod Nine Patch Quilt

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Hi there, I’m Elizabeth Dackson from Don’t Call Me Betsy, and I’m so happy to be back at the Moda Bake Shop for another quilt tutorial! This super simple quilt is a great way to feature your favorite colors and prints! I used Ellen Luckett Baker’s gorgeous Quilt Blocks collection, full of fun, vibrant colors and paired it with several coordinating solids. This quilt pattern comes together very quickly and can easily be whipped up in a weekend! If you make a quilt using this Mod Nine Patch quilt tutorial, I’d love to see it in my Flickr group.

1 fat quarter bundle of 30 prints or more – I used Ellen Luckett Baker’s gorgeous Quilt Blocks collection
1/4 yd of five different coordinating solids – I used Moda Bella Solids in Fuschia, Amelia Blue, Lime, Silver, Turquoise, and Surf
1 yd white background fabric
5/8 yd binding of your choice
4 1/4 yds backing of your choice
70″ x 90″ batting

1. Sort your fat quarter bundle into color stacks, for a total of five colors. From each color group, cut:
(6) 4 1/2″ squares for the center of your blocks
(24) 4 1/2″ squares to surround the center of your blocks

2. From your coordinating solids, cut:
(6) 7″ squares from each, 30 total

3. From your white background fabric, cut:
(30) 7″ squares

4. From your binding, cut:
(8) 2 1/2″ x WOF strips

Block Assembly:
1. Let’s begin by making some half-square triangles (HSTs). Pair one white 7″ square with a coordinating solid 7″ square, right sides together. Sew a scant 1/4″ all the way around.

On your cutting mat, cut across both diagonals of your square, creating four HST units. Press seams open. Trim each HST unit to 4 1/2″, aligning the 45 degree mark on a quilting ruler with your seam.


Repeat for all white squares and solid squares, creating a total of 120 half-square triangle units.

2. Next, choose a color to begin working with. I chose to start with my pink blocks. Sew two surrounding 4 1/2″ squares on the right and left sides of a center square, as shown. This creates the middle row of your block.

3. To create the top and bottom rows, use a coordinating surrounding 4 1/2″ square in the center and add two HST units to the right and left sides as shown below.

4. Sew the block together, sewing two rows together at a time. Press seams open to finish block.

5. Repeat steps 1 – 4 to create a total of 30 blocks.

6. Lay your blocks out in six rows of five blocks each, in an order that’s pleasing to you. Sew blocks together into rows, then sew rows together to finish quilt top.


7. Baste, quilt, and bind as desired.


One beautiful 60″ x 72″ quilt!


Happy sewing!!

Elizabeth Dackson
{Don’t Call Me Betsy}

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