Diamond Lattice and MORE!

Hello fellow quilters! It’s Crystal Hendrix from Hendrixville! When I first saw this line of fabric, I fell in love!! Isn’t Terrain such a lovely mix of beautiful patterns and jewel tones?? I am pleased to give you not just one but TWO quilt! 
3 Layer Cakes – Terrain by Kate Spain
1 Jelly Roll – Basic White
4 1/2 yards – Any fabric from line – backing for quilt #1
3 1/2 yards – Any fabric from line – backing for quilt #2
*Binding will come from the Jelly Roll

When choosing your layout for this quilt, the key is to use a random pattern of the color placement and not to have the same prints or hues touching. It’s a little tricky but can be done.

1. Find 56 “layer pieces” that will be then become our “Main Blocks”.
2. Cut these down to be 9 3/4″ square.
3. Next you can now find 42 “layer pieces” that you will then cut into 4- 5″ squares making them your
“Secondary Blocks”.
4. Find now 26 “layer pieces” and cut hem into 2 -5″ squares. These will be your “Border blocks” now.
5. Lastly you will need 4 separate 5″ squares to be your “Corner Blocks”. These squares can be leftovers from your “Border Blocks”- just make sure that your corner blocks are a different pattern and color than the neighboring “Border Blocks”.

***The hardest part of this quilt is keeping everything organized and labeled. I have found that a little piece of masking tap works best. I labeled my blocks by rows and then by the number block of that row, IE. A1, A2 and so forth and B1 and B2. Get the idea? If you do label your rows and blocks it will make everything run a lot smoother and faster for you. ***

With that said – layout your “Main Blocks” in a 7×8 layout.

Now with your “Secondary Blocks,” lay them on top of your “Main Blocks”. After you have your “Secondary Blocks” all out, add your “Border Blocks” and your “Corner Blocks”. This may take a little time to figure out and to create the best random design.

This is what your blocks should look like – 1 layer piece topped with 4 – 5″ squares.

Now with each block (56), turn over the 5″ squares. You will draw a diagonal line across the squares – it doesn’t matter which way- just when you sew, make sure they are lined up like in the picture above. Take off 2 diagonal corner blocks (make sure to remember and keep separate which squares go where
c). Pin the other two down.

Sew down the line of each block. Cut 1/4″ away from seam on both squares (make sure to save your extra triangle scraps. you will see why later!) Press the seams going to the outside of the block.

Add the other 2 blocks (removed earlier) and repeat the same process.

With all 56 squares done- layout all the squares again. This will help make sure you kept everything organized and matched up.

With your Jelly Roll, cut 56 – 16 1/2″ strips. With all your squares laid out – lay 1 strip on each block, creating a diamond pattern. (See picture above)

Now pile up your blocks up. With each block labeled, you can now separate the blocks into 2 piles- with them separated in the same direction.

Cut each block (56) in the correct direction – the same direction as the jelly roll strip. Pin the strip to one of the pieces – sew and then press seam towards the block. (1/4″ seam allowance). Add the other half of the block – making sure to line up the edges and then repeat.

Now you are more than welcome to skip this next step – but for me I found that laying out the blocks once again, checking to make sure everything lines up correctly. Now sew each block together in the row- then sew together the rows. We now have a finished quilt top!

If you are like me – I do not sew perfectly (even with all the quilts I have made). I still get puckers after trying to get my seams to line up. A trick I found is to spray some starch (not much is needed) and iron it out. This will make it smoother for when it comes time to quilting it.

Second quilt:

Now its time to make use of all of your scraps! I separated all of my pieces into their different hues and then sewed 2 pieces together. Then press open and trim to 4 1/2″ squared.

Here are 3 examples of how you can arrange your newly formed squares. Once you have decided which design you want, sew all of your blocks together.

Baste and quilt as desired. Use your Jelly Roll leftovers as your binding. There should be enough for both of your quilts. If you are a little short, use your remaining layer cake pieces.

Diamond Lattice Quilt, approximately 70″ x 80″. It’s a very beautiful and bright quilt! Would make a beautiful quilt to put over the couch to bring some color to the room, or to use as a nice full sized bedspread.

Diamond Extras, approximately 53″ x 46″. This beautiful bright quilt mimics the Diamond Lattice quilt. I can’t decide which quilt I like best!

I hope you enjoy these quilts as much as I do! Please send me an email (nmommy02@gmail.com) with pictures of your beautiful creations!

Crystal Hendrix

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