Vintage Ribbons Table Runner.

to market, to market!!!
rumor has it that rouenneries is going to be quite the star around market booths this weekend.
to celebrate with us, whip up your very own vintage ribbons table runner!!!
{if you are joining us at market, stop by the moda booth to see my table runner in person!!!}

11 rouenneries by french general fat quarters
20 x 44 batting

pick out 11 of your favorite fat quarters.

keep in mind that you want contrast and some solid prints.
from fat quarter #1:
cut three 6 1/2″ squares.

from fat quarter #2:
cut six 2″ x 6 1/2″ strips & six 2″ x 9 1/2″ strips.
from fat quarter #3:
cut four 3 1/2″ x 9 1/2″ rectangles & twelve 2″ x 3 1/2″ rectangles.

from fat quarter #4:
cut six 3 1/2″ x 9 1/2″ rectangles.

from fat quarter #5:
cut eight 3 1/2″ squares.

from fat quarter #6:
cut eight 2″ x 9 1/2″ strips & four 2″ squares.

from fat quarter #7:
cut sixty-four 2″ squares.
from fat quarters #8-#11:
piece fat quarters #8, #9 & #10 together for your backing.
cut your binding from fat quarter #11. {seven 2 1/2″ x width of fat quarter strips.}
take one of your 6 1/2″ square and add two of your 2″ x 6 1/2″ strips to the top & bottom of it.
then add two of your 2″ x 9 1/2″ strips to the sides of it.
you will make a total of 3 of these.
{click pic to enlarge.}
take one of your 3 1/2″ x 9 1/2″ rectangles and layer one of your 2″ squares on top.
stitch from corner to corner.
note to add: feel free to draw a diagonal line across your 2″ square to have a stitching guide.
open up your triangle and press.
repeat for the other side.
you should now have ten completed star point units, like so.
now take your twelve 2″ x 3 1/2″ rectangles and make twelve flying geese units using the same method as the star point units.

now we can begin constructing your blocks.
follow my picture diagram to complete your first block.
then add your consecutive pieces by adding on to this unit.
we will now piece your borders.
for your top & bottom borders, follow this pattern:
flying geese unit, 2″ x 9 1/2″ strip, flying geese unit, 2″ x 9 1/2″ strip,
flying geese unit, 2″ x 9 1/2″ strip, flying geese unit.
add these to the top & bottom of your quilt top.
for your two side borders follow this pattern:
2″ block, flying geese unit, 2″ x 9 1/2″ strip, flying geese unit, & 2″ block.
add these to the sides of your quilt top.

your quilt top should now be completed and it should look like this.

layer, baste, quilt {as desired} & bind.

you are now the owner of one amazing 18 1/2″ x 42″ table runner.

{that’s before washing.}

this little table runner would be perfect in loads of fabric lines.

not to mention it’s reversible!!!
hope yall enjoy!!!

22 comments on “Vintage Ribbons Table Runner.

  1. I love it! I've been looking for a table runner with saw tooth stars that I can make as a gift and this might be just the thing! Thanks for the tutorial!

  2. Kristy says:

    Lovely lovely runner. Thanks Rachel!

  3. bingo~bonnie says:

    What a great post to greet me this morning as I opened up my Google Reader!!! Yours was at the top of my list! and I can certainly see why!!!

    What a GORGEOUS Table runner! The colors are amazingly great together! Whoda thought black would go so perfectly with the lighter floral?? But it does! Great job and have a great time at Market!!!

    Love from Orange, TX! ~bonnie

  4. Stacey says:

    awesome!! i can so see that in my new house, when it's built, have fun in houston!!

  5. onlymehere says:

    Rachel, I wish I had seen this before I did my last table runner for a blog give-away! This would have been perfect with the fabric I used. Now, I'm excited to make one of these for a Christmas gift. Love it! Cindy

  6. Trisha says:

    Very pretty, Rachel!

  7. Pat says:

    Another great job, Rachel. You are really amazing!

  8. Rachel says:

    I just love your patterns Rachel! You are a spectacular designer! 😀 Thank you so much! Table runners are my favorite thing to make and this one looks beautiful and easy to put together! 🙂

    ~Miss Rachel~

  9. Klarafina says:

    This is absolutely beautiful! I love it 🙂

  10. amandajean says:

    it's very cute, rachel!!!

  11. Sinta Renee says:

    Your runner is so beautiful Rachel. It would be great with a holiday theme also. I really love it. Really.

  12. Cheryl says:

    Beautiful! I love stars in quilts and you break this runner down in the tutorial so well.
    Filing this one away to mabye do over the winter for a July 4th table.

  13. Crafty Mama says:

    It's beautiful Rachel! I need to find some Rouenneries now!

  14. Jenny says:

    lovely table runner. I could see enlarging this pattern for a quilt!

  15. mjb says:

    This looks like such a fun pattern to make!

  16. This is one awesome table runner Rachel!! I love the fabrics you used – they really work so well with your design.

  17. jaybird says:

    love it love it!! goes great with my last project & looks even cuter in person!!

  18. This is beautiful! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  19. Rachel, I love it too! Love the colors and the size. It would be a great gift size that you could do quickly. Thanks for the demo!

  20. Dawn says:

    Thanks Rachel! It's Bee-U-T-ful!!

  21. Jen says:

    I love that this uses a fat quarter bundle. I have several that I've been waiting to cut into for the perfect project. I'd love to see more projects for fat quarter bundles. Thanks!

  22. Kari says:

    This is just beautiful Rachel!
    I love how the black makes the other colors pop.
    So simple maybe I could find the time to make one!
    –well maybe not right now-but it will be on the list for sure!

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